St. John's-Wort: Members of the St.-Johns-wort family
(family Hypericaceae) includes about 800 species of herbs and shrubs.
These plants traditionally gathered on St John's eve to ward off evil.
plain St. John's-Wort (Hypericum brachyphyllum)- Coastal
Plain St. Johns wort, is a shrub of the genus Hypericum. Its duration
is perennial which means it will grow year after year. The coastal plain
St. John's wort is distinguished from other plants in the family by it's
five petal yellow flowers and it's long thin leaves. It is an erect,
single stemmed shrub that can reach a height of around 48 to 42 inches,
though it is often much shorter. Often found on pond edges, wet
flatlands and ditches throughout the Florida peninsula, the coastal
plain St. John's wort does well in sandy sites.
St. Johns Wort (Hypericum tetrapetalum Lam.)- The leaves of
the Four-petal St. Johns Wort have numerous translucent dots, and when
held up to the light they appear as tiny pinholes. This is a small shrub
with few branches. The Four-petal St. Johns Wort has beautiful yellow
flowers. and the shrubby St. Johns wort is one of the most popular.
Lustrous blue-green leaves are the backdrop for bright yellow 1 inch
flowers that make their appearance from June through September. Thick
light brown stems peel on older plants to expose a pale orange coloring.
It's a wonderful addition to any summer or winter garden.
St. John's-Wort (Hypericum cistifolium Lam)- Roundpod St.
John's wort is found in wet flatwoods, cypress swamp margins, and
marshes. It is frequent nearly throughout the state of Florida and
blooms in the summer. Roundpod St. John's-Wort is located in Florida,
Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North & South Carolina, and
Texas. The plant is an upright, slender perennial; up to two feet tall
with leafless flower branches arising from the top of the stem in a
dichotomous (forked or divided) fashion. Preferred habitat is bogs,
margin of swamps, flood plains and wetlands.
St. John's-wort (Hypericum fasciculatum Lam)-Peelbark St.
John's-wort is found in wet flatwoods, bogs, and swamp and pond margins.
It is common throughout the state of Florida and blooms from spring to
fall. This native, evergreen shrub, which grows to 3 feet tall, with
narrow growth form, has leaves that are ovate, clasping, and
heart-shaped at base.
Cyrilla (Cyrilla racemiflora)- The swamp cyrilla is a simple
evergreen. Sometimes referred to as Leatherback, because of it's
leathery bark, it has 21/2 to 3 inch leaves that are shiny green above
and paler on the underside. The bark is initially smooth but can become
ridged and spongy on large stems. Swamp Cyrilla has small white flowers
that occur in narrow, elongated clusters 3-6 inches long, that appear in
the early summer. Swamp Cyrilla is a small tree that can reach up to 30
feet tall, with a spreading crown, that often forms dense, impenetrable
thickets. Swamp Cyrilla fruit matures in early fall, and persist well
into the winter.
(Bejaria racemosa) -Tarflower is a woody shrub with fragrant, showy
flowers found in the scrub and flatwoods of three southeastern states:
Florida, Alabama, and Georgia. The nectar in the tarflower flowers is a
food for butterflies. The sticky flowers trap flies and other insects,
giving tarflower its common name. Tarflower is an upright, evergreen
shrub that often grows in colonies. It has crowded alternate leaves and
showy, long-petaled flowers. Tarflower is a shrub that can grow 7' or
(Dodonaea viscosa ) -The varnishleaf is
a Native small tree or more commonly a shrub to 10 feet high,
occasionally taller with reddish, slightly furrowed bark. Leaves are
stiff, alternate, and egg-shaped with the narrower end at the base.
they are shiny yellowish-green and sticky, and are 3-6 inches long.
Varnishleaf is also known as Florida hop bush and is suitable as a
specimen, screen or as a hedge plant when spaced 5 - 8 feet apart.
Normally this tough native has very few or no pests or problems, avoid
overwatering. The vanish leaf does best in full sun with well drained
soil. It is often found in Florida hammocks. The resinous coating on
the leaves makes for a very drought tolerant plant once established, and
is also salt spray resistant.